Alexis Knight
Athanasius Rayne
Aurora Rose
Bella Brooks-Robinson
Brian Stryker
Brent Eckles
Brytain Montgomery
Charlie Luzon
Cheetah Fighter
Curtis Wilkes
Crystal Alvarez
Damon Warrens
Danielle Lopez
Derek Jacobs
Draven Logan Kennedy
Dustin Holt
Gishiro Tensai
Israel Steele
Izurat Karr
Jackson Eckles
Jay Thunder
"The Evangelist" Jerry Matthews
Jimmy Gambino
Katie Chason
Kevin Drake
Konstantine Weylin
Kumiko Muruyama
Leon Lonewolf
Lionel Eckles
The Lone Ranger
Mandy "The Monster"
Mariano Fernandez
Mountain Dew Bob
Mya Denton
Reba Eckles
Reyna Carter
Ryan "The Reaper" Robinson
SJ Funk
Smith Jones
Stephon Jhones
Talia Skye
TJ Parks
Tom Pendergrass
Totoya Tatsua
Victor Cavanagh
Yoshiru Long
Tag Teams:
The Awesome Brothers (John and Danny Awesome)
Da Xtreme Dynasty (Kevin Styles and J.T. Banks)
The Dark Apocalypse (Alice Humes Kennedy and Tamara Hawke)
The Dark Cyde Mafia (Jigsaw and Kayoz)
Fatality Inc (Mariella Lopez and Melanie Ramirez)
The Glamorous/Vicious Combination (Christina Perez and Ivette Hernandez)
Mi Pi Sexy (Reyna Carter and Angelina Williams)
The Pac (Dante Daevain and The Phantom)
The Princesses of Lethality (Mariah Lopez and Rachel Robinson)
The Second City Saviors (Daniel Ryerson and Jackson Knite)
The Wolfpack (Brian Stryker and Glen "The Titan" Jacobs)